
10月, 2020の投稿を表示しています

The class Oct28, 2020

      Yesterday I learned about “ways of effective study” and I found to repeat something like writing English sentences or speaking it is so important. When I was a junior high school student, I have read my English textbook a lot of times, so I became better my speaking or writing or listening. Therefore I thought I have to start something and continue again. However if it became hard and boring, I can’t continue, so I think doing it with fun is essential point, too.       I could hear group member’s way of effective study and it was interesting for me.

The class Oct 21, 2020


Lorna Doone

      This week I read “ Lorna Doone”. This book was interesting for me. While I was reading it, I thought the first scene isn’t necessary but after reading I found the scene has an important key. The last of this book isn’t usual happy end and it made me surprise.      Now I’ll write about three quotes which I chose. The first one is: “ When I opened my eyes again, I saw a young girl beside me.(p. 15) ” This was a first met of John Ridd and Lorna Doone. The day John kissed her, but I thought it’s not realistic. The second one is: ‘I can’t wear this now, John,’ she said.(p. 25) This is a phrase of Doone’s. She got a ring with a blue stone from John. She seemed happy, but she said the phrase because she can’t get married soon. I thought the phrase is cool because if I was her, I would want to wear it all the day. The last one is: ‘You are the great John Ridd!’ said Queen Mary.(p. 56)  John helped a King from a incident so he was said so. I also thought he was great and brave. Therefore

San Francisco 2

     Hello, everyone. Today I’ll write about San Francisco again, but this time I’ll mention about chapter 10 (A little differently). This chapter is written about the people in San Francisco’s custom and the chapter is only 2 pages, but there were many interesting things. This part is focusing to the life of environmentally friendly like recycle or transportation. Now I’ll quote three phrases which show the custom more clearly. The first one is: The city recycles 72 per cent of things like paper, old food, and bottles, and it is the best city in the United States for this.(p. 39) I thought recycles 72 per cent is great and we also have to mimic them. Actually as for Japan the recycle percentage is only 19 and it’s so low. We don’t have to ignore this problem for ourselves. I surprised about the city is the best about recycle in the United States because United States is so big and I have thought there are many other countries which recycle the things more than the city. The second one

The class Oct 14, 2020

  今日は「外国語学習における母語の影響」というトピックで主に母語の影響について学びました。  今まで3つや4つ言語を操れる人に対して相当努力してきたに違いないと感じ、自分には無理だと思っていたけれど脳が1つの言語における文法規則に縛られていない人は習得言語を増やすのが案外容易だというのを知り、なるほどなと納得できました。なぜなら、1つの言語について小さい頃からずっと学んでいると無意識のうちに普段使わない音や文法事項を覚えないようになってしまうということを実際自分で体感していたからです。自分が赤ちゃんの頃どんな音の違いもわかっていたという記憶はもちろんないけれど他言語や音声の授業において似てる音を比べたときにその違いがわからないことが何回かありました。これは負の転移であり、だからこそ発音の面で難しいことがあったのだなと感じました。正の転移の点から考えると私が今履修している韓国語は比較的日本語に近く、主語や動詞などの位置関係が同じで、難しいと感じる発音もそこまでないので英語ほど難しくはありません。2年くらいしかしていない韓国語は結構わかるのに、今まで何年も勉強している英語が上達しないのはなぜなんだろうと悩んだこともあったけれど今日の講義を通してそれが当たり前なんだとわかり、安心しました。


       I finished reading a book “WYATT’S HURRICANE” so I’ll explain about it. Before reading I have thought this book is about a big hurricane. However this book included the element of a war and it had made harder the situation. There were few people who hear the opinion about the weather while a war. It’s natural but so dangerous...      In this book I found some interesting expressions so I’ll show them. “ They hit the body like bullets.(p. 43) ” “They” means rains. I thought to use the word “bullets”, readers easy to imagine the situation more clearly. Next is “ He pushed himself deeper into the mud and covered his ears with his hands.(p. 44) ” There isn’t a part which was written about the sounds of wind or thunder. However I could know it was loud thanks to the act(=covered his ears..). I thought to show the situation without any details and using only the act is interesting way of writing.      If you are interested in this book please try it. I thought this one was little long

San Francisco

 Oct 9, 2020         Hello everyone. I'm a member of KANGOL and I read "San Francisco" so I'll talk about the book.      Of course this book was written about San Francisco, but it included not only explanation of the features but also the history of Golden Gate or cultural foods. Therefore I thought this book is good for studying about society.       There are three my favorite phrases in the book, so I'll quote them and explain about it. (By using the page number, everyone can find the phrases.) The first one is: They talked about 'mountains of gold' in California and the famous Californian 'gold rush' began!(p.9)  This phrase made me exciting because I think the 'gold rush' is like a dream. I also want to find some golds with my own hands. The second one is: Over 200,000 men, women, and children came from all over the city and walked across the new bridge.(p.24)  In this phrase "the new bridge" means Golden Gate Bridge. Of cour

The class October 7, 2020

      Today I took the lesson of 英語教育講義. In the lesson I discussed with group members about “the way to enhance the motivation.” Finally we found to enjoy the study is so important because if you can’t feel it’s interesting, you won’t think I want to study more. Therefore through today’s lesson I thought I want to enjoy the study more.      (動機付けを高める維持をするためのアイデアについて)常に目標を持ち続けることが大切だと思う。もしその目標が達成されたら、次は新たな目標を立てるようにするのがいいと思う。そうすることで成長感・達成感を得つつ、常に動機付けが成されている状態が続くと考える。