
12月, 2019の投稿を表示しています

On the EDGE

Book Review:   ON the EDGE (2000)         This week I read is ON the EDGE . According to this book, it was thriller & adventure book but I thought it include the aspect of mystery. And this book made my hurt’s beating fast. Now I write three quotes from this book and discuss about them. The first one is: Suddenly there was an arm round his neck and a hand over his face. (p.2) This sentence is the part of starting everything. When he went home, after hard running he was done. It made me frightened. Second one is: In that second, while Jinny was talking, the boy stared straight at her and made the shape of a word with his mouth. Help. (p.34) Close to him there were people who have guns but he did so. If I were him, I couldn’t done like him. So I thought he is brave. The last one is: ‘I’m ready ,’ he said, and began to run away from Hank, along the ridge towards the Castle Rock. (p.55) Through this scene I thought real family is the most best for us and can’t


  Book Review:   KIDNAPPED (2000)         This week I read KIDNAPPED . In this book stage was almost near the sea or on the ship. My evaluation to this book is 5 and so-so. I write three quotes from this book and will discuss about them. The first one is: But my heart was beating with excitement as I walked down the road, because in my hand I carried the letter that my father had given me just before he died. (p. 02) This sentence made me exciting because I didn’t know about the new place. I hoped he can spend calm on the place. Second one is: ‘Shuan’s killed him at last!’ (p.16) When I read this sentence, I was surprised. This ‘ him ’ means Ransome who is a boy on the ship. Ransome made Shuan angry often because he make some mistakes. But I have thought Shuan likes Ransome, so I was surprised and felt frightened. The last one is: When I saw how much he loved me, I was no longer angry, only sick, and sorry. (p.45) ‘ I ’ means David and ‘ he ’ means Alan.


  Book Review:   CHEMICAL SECRET (2000)         This week I read is CHEMICAL SECRET . According to this book it is thriller and adventure story. I like this book because through it I thought nature is so important. In addition there are few difficult words and interesting the content so easy to read. Now I write three quotes of this book and will discuss about them. The first one is: He had never seen her look so happy. (p. 37) “He” is Mr. Duncan and “her” is his daughter. Duncan don’t want her to marry. But at last he agreed it and after wedding ceremony he saw the scene(=the phrase). This phrase made me happy. Second one is: ‘ Baby rats with no eyes, no ears, six legs! Oh John! John! What have you done?’ (p. 19) It made me surprise and frightened. But through this experiment they understood the sewage is how dangerous. The last one is: And this time, he was sure, she took a breath by herself, afterwards. (p. 46) Duncan’s daughter Christine drowned the liver


Book Review:   TREASURE ISLAND (2000)         This week I read TREASURE ISLAND . It was thriller and adventure series. Now I write three quotes and will discuss about them. The first one is: I asked him what he wanted and he said, ‘I’ll take a glass of rum.’ (p.05) This sentence means “he” loves rum. The “he” is a seaman and “I” is a boy (Jim Hawkins). Unfortunately later the seaman die by the amounts of drinking and Jim felt sad. From this part I thought Jim have liked him. Second one is: Perhaps every man in the crew was now a pirates! (p.30) When Jim was in barrel, he thought so because he could hear some talking. And this part made me surprising. The last one is: I will never return to Treasure Island, but in my worst dreams I still hear the sharp, high scream of Captain Flint the parrot: ‘Piece of eight! Piece of eight! (p.73) This sentence appear the last of this book. Actually I didn’t know the meaning because this book was little difficult for me, but w