Red Planet

Suddenly, the magic key began to glow.Chip and Wilf pulled Nadim away from the computer and ran into Biff's room.

I thought this phrase is the most interesting, because when they enter the room, there is a rocket and it was a garden. I felt it looks like Doraemon. They travel the universe only childs and a dog. Thanks to the Nadium they can arricve at red planet. In the planet a lot of problem is happen. If you want to the problems please read this book. Floppy(=a dog's name) is so cute. I thought I want to go to space, too. Do you think so? or not?
After reading this book I thought to be good at operate computer is important. And I want to the woman who is good at operating it.


planet  惑星


  1. I like ORT series very much.
    I want you to read this series more.
    I like Atama ii book series, too.




Slam Dunk for Mark


'Who, Sir? Me, Sir?'