Magical Animals

From that day on, Pegasus lived with the gods, pulling Zeus across the sky in a chariot made of gold.

Long ago in Greece, there lived a handsome prince named Bellerophon. He wanted to be a new king, but current king didn't like him. So he thought up a plan and sent for Bellerophon. The plan is to kill the chimera, a terrible beast that keeps eating people. It is hard for everyone, but he went to journey to kill it. First he met a an old lady and she said to him "First, you must catch the winged horce, pegasus," so he decided to catch pegasus first. After searching for days, he found pegasus. It was wild and free, with powerful beating wings. Catching him wouldn't be easy. Suddenly in a flash silvery light, the goddess Athene appeared. She gave him a golden bridle, so hecould catch pegasus.

But Bellerophon's mission doesn't finish.

Could he kill the chimera? Why did Zeus appear? Why Zeus has the pegasus? If you want to the misteries, please read this book.


chimera  キメラ(頭はライオン、胴体はヤギ、尾はドラゴンで火を吐く怪獣)
sniff  においを嗅ぐ
tiptoe  つま先




Slam Dunk for Mark


'Who, Sir? Me, Sir?'