Chicken Licken

And they chased him all the way home.

There is this phrase the last of this book. First I had thought this book's ending is maybe happy because  pictures are cute, but it didn't. The last of this book is ...guess your self or read this book! This is a story about Chicken Licken, Henny Penny, Cocky Locky, Ducky Lucky, Goodey Loosey, Turkey Luckey and Foxy Loxy. All of them are birds without Foxy Loxy. Chicken Licken was scared of everything. And this book written by misunderstanding of the bird.

Pages of this book are 47, but the amounts of words are 632. So I think this book is easy to reading. The reason why I recommend this book is there are many cute pictures. When you are tired, through reading this book you'll fine..maybe! The picture of Chiken Licken(a yellow little bird) is cute..isn't it?


acorn  どんぐり
著者 : Not Known
発売日 : 2011-07-01



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