Lucky Number

“Will it be their lucky day?”

This phrase made me exciting. And I think everyone who read this book feel like me.
Hero of this book is Charlie, his house is poor, so he works as a shoeshine boy at outside of Cafe Colombo. Everyday he works. One day a old man came at the place to sell lottery tickets. And a well-dressed man bought it, but he dropped it when he ride a taxi, Charlie picked up it and the shouted to the man. However he didn’t find the thing.

Can he win the lottery or not?

Actually it didn’t written so we can guess the continue of this book.

As for me I guessed he won the lottery, and he became he can go to school without working. What do you guess?


lottery  抽選
shoeshine  靴磨き



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'Who, Sir? Me, Sir?'