Dangerous Journey

“‘No, not water,’ replied Leon. ‘I don’t want to see water again — not for a long time!’
And they all laughed.

This phrase appear the last of this book. Leon is boss of their. They went to journey, but there were a lot of bad things. For example it started to rain and wheels were turning round in the mud. Leon was hurted his arms because of a branch. And the bridge to go to other side. Moreover two man of the group stayed on a rock in the middle of the river. They were above the waterfall. However all of them were safe. And the phrase was talked in the hospital.

After reading this book I felt to go to somewhere is fun, but sometimes it’ll be dangerous.


mud  泥、ぬかるみ
lift  持ち上げる
paddle  漕ぐ

発売日 : 2012-12-17



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