The class Jan 20, 2021

      Today we did review of the 英語教育講義(後半). Mainly we learned Communicative Language Teaching(CLT), Working memory, Content-Based Language Teaching(CBLT), and Computer-Assisted Language Learning. While the group meeting, we discussed about Working memory. Especially I remembered about phonological loop and subvocal rehearsal(内語反復).

     (Phonological loop can hold the information only about 5-7pieces and about two seconds.)


   In today's class we could the talking of Ms. Nagai who is graduate student. She talked about what is she doing at the graduate school. I thought the study at the school look interesting and mostly free. If someday I think I want to know about this way of learning or study more, it's the good way of study that become the graduate student. I was glad to hear her talking and it was useful for me.


  1. Content-Based Language Teaching(CBLT)
    Content-Based Language Teaching (CBLT)

    5-7 pieces

    Communicative Language Teaching(CLT)
    Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)




Slam Dunk for Mark

The class September 30, 2020